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A guide to some of the best dispensaries in Portland Oregon Notable dispensaries in Portland, Oregon, that offer a variety of cannabis products and unique experiences: AmeriCannaRx – 8654 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, ORKnown for its vast product selection and affordability, AmeriCannaRx offers an unparalleled shopping experience with a wide range of quality cannabis products​​….


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  • Hemp and What Is It That Helps Healing

    Hemp for Healing Skin

    The natural fatty acids present in hemp seed oil help restore and replenish soft tissues of the body, including skin. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties found in this oil help protect skin cells against UV radiation, pollution, free radicals and other sources that contribute to premature aging and skin wrinkling. Hemp seed oil also contains vitamin E – an powerful anti-oxidant known for encouraging new cell and tissue formation that will keep your complexion youthfully radiant. One of the best we found was this pain relief CBD cream 10000mg.

    Benefits All Skin Types

    Hemp can benefit all skin types, but especially acne-prone and sensitive ones. Hemp is non-comedogenic – that means it won’t clog pores – and contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids essential for good skin. Furthermore, hemp contains gamma linolenic acid to regulate hormone levels and help decrease acne symptoms; in addition to being an excellent moisturizing ingredient that can be added directly into your favorite face cream formulas.

    Hemp seed oil is an ideal choice for dry skin as its rich in fatty acids nourish and moisturize without producing excessive sebum, which could otherwise lead to acne breakouts. Furthermore, hemp seed oil makes an effective addition to facial cleansing routines as it removes makeup and sunscreen more efficiently than water cleansers; furthermore it makes an excellent ingredient in homemade face masks.

    One of the best ways to use hemp for dry skin is applying it directly onto your face or adding it into a moisturizer or serum for an instantaneous moisture boost. To do this, warm up some hemp seed oil between your palms until just warm before massaging it onto your face in a circular motion for several minutes before washing off afterwards.

    Use of hemp for dry skin can also provide oral benefits that will promote good skin. Take one teaspoon of hemp oil daily and you will help thin your blood, prevent varicose veins and boost energy and cardiovascular health.

    Make Hemp Cream Yourself

    Hemp oil for dry damaged skin can be combined with other oils like coconut, almond, jojoba and olive to create an effective face mask. Simply mix one tablespoon each of gotu kola, amalaki and neem powder into the mixture before applying it on your face and neck for at least an hour and rinsing off afterwards. You could even try adding your favorite essential oil drop for added personalization of this experience; always perform a patch test beforehand though to ensure no oils that may not be safe are used.

  • Is Weed Safe to Use During Pregnancy?

    Kaiser Permanente Northern California researchers are witnessing an increasing prevalence of marijuana use among pregnant women, and can provide data as proof. Kaiser is the only large health system to screen their prenatal patients for drug exposure via questionnaires and urine testing during prenatal visits.

    Pot use during gestation poses serious health risks to both mom and her unborn baby, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists who warns against it, with initial studies linking cannabis usage to low birth weight in babies.

    1. It’s Not Safe

    Pregnancy is a time when women should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and using any illegal substances of any kind – including marijuana (commonly referred to as pot, weed or cannabis) with its 500+ chemicals including Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC can have negative impacts on mental functioning while throwing off their endocannabinoid system balance and alter their hormone production levels.

    Studies demonstrate that pregnancies exposed to THC during gestation are at increased risk of neurological impairments, including lower learning and attention scores and diminished motor skills. The impact is particularly prominent if exposure occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    Marijuana use is also not safe when breastfeeding, as its chemicals can seep into breast milk and expose an infant. Babies exposed to marijuana during breastfeeding may have difficulty controlling their temperature or be more likely to contract infections such as colds, flu and stomach viruses.

    2. It’s Not Effective

    Researchers face difficulty investigating marijuana use by pregnant women due to ethical considerations and its status as a Schedule 1 drug, making clinical trials impossible for researchers.

    Smoking marijuana during gestation increases carbon monoxide levels in mother’s bloodstream and interferes with oxygen delivery to her baby, potentially leading to low birth weight and preterm delivery.

    Studies have linked marijuana use during gestation to learning problems and psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia or psychosis in offspring, leading to lower academic achievement and delayed social development even as they age. Some states even require providers to report substance abuse prior to giving birth. It’s best to quit before getting pregnant – setting clear goals with help from a counselor can be useful tools in this process.

    3. It’s Not Safe for the Baby

    Marijuana can increase the risk of birth defects like anencephaly. This severe neural tube defect occurs when all or parts of the head, skull and spine are missing; nearly always fatal.

    Due to marijuana being illegal under federal law, scientists are unable to conduct controlled trials in which pregnant people receive either marijuana or placebo and then observed. Most evidence we have comes from observational studies; while they are helpful, these don’t always take into account other potential factors (like tobacco use) which might contribute to results seen.

    Shonitria Anthony reports that in three years of running her Blunt Blowin’ Mama podcast and online community, not a single mother has admitted using marijuana during pregnancy in order to get high. Most likely they’re just looking to ease pain or nausea that they might be experiencing; so she believes it’s crucial that individuals have access to accurate information on fetal health in order to make healthy choices.

    4. It’s Not Safe for the Mother

    Many OB-GYNs advise pregnant women against smoking or using any form of marijuana during their gestation, including vaping or eating products containing THC. The reason behind this advice is because THC can pass through the placenta into the baby, potentially endangering both mother and child as well as negatively impacting health in general.

    Women who use cannabis may increase the odds of giving birth to babies born with low birth weight, who are at an increased risk for developmental delays, ADHD symptoms and emotional problems.

    Researchers find it challenging to analyze the impact of cannabis use during gestation due to laws prohibiting this. But Kaiser Permanente provides researchers with access to a wealth of data; their system screens their prenatal care patients for exposure to drugs and alcohol, and researchers use this data for further analysis in correlation with fetal growth outcomes or any other health outcomes.

  • Sustainable Practices in Cannabis Cultivation
    Cannabis cultivation has an immense environmental footprint due to energy usage, water use and waste production; however, many cultivators are taking steps to mitigate their footprint with sustainable practices. Reduce reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides is one of the key sustainability initiatives in cannabis cultivation, along with using regenerative soil, LED lighting, and automating fertigation. Renewable Energy Cannabis growers are increasingly turning to renewable energy sources like solar power to power their operations, which reduces dependency on fossil fuels…
  • How the Legalization of Cannabis Has Afflicted Economy in States Where It’s Legal
    States where cannabis use is legal have seen substantial tax revenue generated, which can then be used for schools and health care needs. Cultivation of marijuana plants can generate employment for farmers while simultaneously stimulating economies in areas that permit cultivation. Cultivation could also increase commercial real estate and construction jobs as demand rises for commercial real estate and construction jobs. Tax Revenue New Frontier Data’s study indicates that cannabis sales taxes provide a huge source of revenue in states…
  • How Different Cultures Have Used Cannabis Throughout History
    Cannabis (or marijuana) has long been utilized by various cultures around the globe for medical use. Ancient civilizations generally relied upon it for treatment. Herodotus wrote that Scythians from central Eurasian would erect woollen tents and throw hemp seeds onto red-hot stones to inhale their smoke; this practice was also used as a treatment method. Ancient Egyptians Ancient Egyptians were known for their innovative civilisation, and cannabis appears to be no exception. Hemp fabrics have been discovered throughout their civilization…
  • What Is Medical Marijuana?
    Medical marijuana has long been used in the US as a therapeutic aid, consisting of cannabinoids with known health benefits; specifically delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Even the Food and Drug Administration has approved some cannabis-related drug products. Before they can use medical marijuana, patients must qualify with an illness that qualifies them and also obtain a valid recommendation from a physician. It’s a drug Medical marijuana, made up of chemicals found in cannabis sativa plants, can be used…
  • Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders in the Cannabis Industry
    Women now dominate all aspects of cannabis business, from cultivation to research. Their presence upends stereotypes and sets new standards. Gender diversity fosters better-informed science and contributes to a healthier product ecosystem. Recognizing female leadership is not only morally appropriate, but strategically crucial as well. Latin American Women Latina women have demonstrated tremendous leadership and success in cannabis despite its reputation as a “boys club”, from starting businesses to opening spaces for diversity. Latina female leaders are making waves within…